Friday, July 1, 2011


To rightly celebrate 4th of July weekend, Chad decided to let Nana P. watch Maddie.... FOR THE WHOLE WEEKEND!!!!! YES! My mouth hurts from smiling!! DO you know what this means?? I'll tell you exactly what this means! A whole weekend free of this:
(Um Yep.... our blinds look like this now... like a dog lives here.)
And this:
(OMG CRUMBS ON MY FEET GO AWAY!!?!  I'm so sick of sweeping and mopping every day-  Cause, ugh, of course I like most certainly probably sweep and mop every day!?  Psh.)

And free of these:

(The storage and mixing bowl drawer is property of bug... And, no, I DON'T rewash them all the time, so there.)

:) However...and there's always a however (does anyone actually use "an" before an "h"?  It sounds creepy).... there won't be any of this:


or any of these:
For at least 48 hours.

So, while she spent her first night playing in toys she's far too big for:

(Picture courtesy of Auntie Erin.  And, yeah, she's like 8 feet tall or something and totally doesn't need me anymore.)

We made steak and missed her very much:


Oh yeah!  And Chad gave himself a haircut yesterday!


Now, his head is shaved haha.... And it actually looks really great! I love him.  In his defense, he was cutting his own hair so I wouldn't have to.  :)

So, here's to freedom and here's another picture of my adorable kid.

She does this with her hands now, I don't know why... :)

1 comment:

  1. love her and love her blogging momma too! this is so fun to read Jen!
